You can Join us in four ways...
We want to know more about you and what makes our stake holders tick. We also want to connect the dots between our supporters and our service providers. Because of this we offer a number of ways for you to join. From just joining our mailing list or Spokes National to becoming a Member of our Family Bike or Community Bike Collective to joining our social media groups on FaceBook or twitter, you will find engaging information and services that will keep you in the loop and help you invest in mobilizing your community through cycling.

Spokes National
Get our quarterly Spokes National newsletter. When you sign up to get our news letter, you will recieve a thoughtful update on what we are doing and projects that have relevance to our misson of looking at Biking as Social Justice.

Family Bike Collective
Joining The family Bike Collective gives you member benefits that save you money and connects you to the bikes equipment and services that grow with your family.
Membership gives you discounts at Spokes' bike shops and premium member services where we have running FBC projects.

Community Bike Collective
The Community Bike Collective list will connect you to other community bike shops and resources for community bike projects. We are also working on building the infrastructure to collectively distribute the resources necessary to incubate and serve small bike communities.

Social Media
What you see is what you get .
Join is to be a part of the conversations and thinktanks: