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" Biking is  Social Justice"


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  • What tips the scales in commerse and economy when companies dont invest in our communities?

  • What can a community owned business do as a hub inspiring mobilization?

  • How can one business inspire a new outlook in a community?

Where life at the speed of Bike   transforms 


      Health & Mobility

 in Our communities

  • Who are the leaders in our urban cycling commuities?


  • Who carries our voices to the discision makers that are supposed to grow the cycling movemet for all of us?

  • What does Equity mean for traditional Minorities to become the new Majority?


  • What does Equity for all cyclist look like? 

  • What would our communities look like if we collectively invest in sustainable mobility, hyper local economy, and personal & environmental health by supporting community bike shops in all our neighborhoods across the country?



Want your kids to discover the joys of cycling?


Check out our  new project  based in Oakland  and  developed to expand  to other regions.


The Family Bike Collective is dedicated at getting children on bikes that match their sizes, personalities and lifestyles.






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