Community Bike Collective

The Community Bike Collective's mission is to utilise Collective capital to create a network of financiel institutional and economicy stable patnerships that stregnthen and secure small mom and pop and community bikeshops around the globe.
invesment in production
import power
business support systems
It is our goal that through resource sharing and collaborative organizing, CBC will be able to not only provide group savings on all of our business consumables and liabilities but begin sourcing our products, importing and producing locally our own bikes and accessories, and collectively bargaining our equity as corporate members our insurance, pos, inventories, branding , production , travel , staff and business development, legal retainers, and financial portfolios.
As a collective we will have the ability to support communities that desire bike hubs and mobility solutions by developing new businesses form within each community with our pop up bike shops.
with our collective purchasing power each member shop will have a voice in legislature on a national regional and local level and will be eligible for support in growing , expanding and radicalizing your business or just stabilizing your small , mobile, pop up or non profit bike movement.
CBC is not an organization but a project of SPOKES national looking to be a National Collective. Through our membership we plan to multiply each individual's passion and action to move this culture toward eco sustainability, social justice, and equitable distribution of resources around mobility and freedom of movement while we steward the planet through greening our personal transportation. The effects of this movement will send waves through the oil industry, the auto industry, our city infrastructures and social economies.
Thank you for exploring this reality shift with us. ..Be vocal and RIDE A BIKE!